What must a person do to be saved? "Ask Jesus into your heart?" "Accept Jesus?" Does a person become a Christian just because they say a simple prayer?
Paul Washer addressed this topic at the "Deeper" Conference in Atlanta, GA Oct. 17-18 2008. His approach to preaching the Gospel is not your typical contemporary Christianity, seeker sensitive methodology. He speaks with the authority of scripture in a convicting and yet loving way. In your face preaching the way Jesus spoke. Nothing held back to avoid offending someone.
This conference and the messages presented by all including Paul Washer were like a breath of fresh air and a splash of cold water to wake you up.
In this day and age, there is more emphasis on softening up the message of the Gospel (or avoiding it all together) in order to present a feel-good message for those who are supposedly seeking Jesus. The question is, are they REALLY seeking Jesus or are they simply looking for their 'Best Life Now'? If they are seeking God, then wouldn't it make sense that we present the truth and not some watered-down, ear-tickling experience that stirs up their emotions?
(I Timothy 4: 3-4)
Saying a simple prayer does not save a person. Being good doesn't save a person. Neither does simply asking God to forgive you or simply believing in God. God's grace is what saves a person from their sins. The lost must first understand that they are lost (Romans 7: 7-12)and that nothing they can do will save them from the wrath of God. Salvation must start with the Gospel message. Without conviction of sin, without the softening of the heart and dying to self, God's grace and love is meaningless. Confession from the heart, repenting from sin, trusting in Jesus alone for salvation and submitting to Him as Lord of your life.
The approach of so many contemporary Christian churches today is out of order. They present the attributes of the Christian life before laying out what it takes to BE a Christian. They dress up the Word to appeal to the emotions in hopes that it will cause the seeker to see Jesus as someone who can make life better. If we are to reach the lost, we need to get back to the basics.
Paul Washer exposes the man-made, man-centered methods of the modern church and reminds us of exactly what it is we need... regeneration.
This sort of preaching has drawn me deeper into the Word to discover more truth and regeneration from the Spirit of God. I believe there is a hunger within every Believer for more of God; It's not a matter of trying harder to be a better Christian. It's a matter of being consumed by His Word. Whether you have been saved for years, recently saved or contemplating what it means to be a Christian, these messages from Paul Washer will point you in the right direction and get you back on track to be passionate about God in every area of your life.
How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?
7 hours ago
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