Interesting article over at 'The Christian Post' on Pastor Tullian Tchividjian who recently took over as Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida. For what it's worth, Tchividjian is the grandson of Rev. Billy Graham.
"Young Christian Leader Makes Case for 'Unfashionable' Churches"
A few great quotes from this article...
"...he is among those Christian leaders who believe that main problem churches face is not that they are culturally out of touch, but that they are theologically out of tune."
"And Jacksonville-born preacher is convinced that serious seekers today aren’t looking for something appealing and trendy. “They’re looking for something deeper than what’s currently in fashion,” Tchividjian insists."
“Truthfulness, not trendiness is what new generations are thirsting for,” Tchividjian writes."
"Tchividjian hopes to mobilize a generation of God-saturated missionaries who will “live against the world for the world” and not be “seduced by cool” or what’s fashionable."
Could this perhaps be the start of a shift from the Emergent, feel-good movement where church is all about attracting & entertaining the seeker to a more God-centered, theological approach? The surveys & polls have already shown that people are growing tired of the silly, squisshy churches as they hunger for more of the Gospel; a church where the focus is on God and His Word rather than the methods of man to keep them from being bored.
How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?
6 hours ago
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