"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God." ~ 2 Corinthians 5: 21
We reach them with the truth. No need to sugar-coat it, water it down or soften it up. The Word of God is more than sufficient to save people today just as it has done for thousands of years. The power of salvation starts in the heart when a person fully realizes they are a sinner, lost without hope. This is the point at which they begin to see how glorious, merciful and loving God is because of what He did for us in spite of our wretched, sinful condition. Through the Word, people will hear this message and through the Word, the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin to soften hearts for the Gospel message.
Salvation is not about what Jesus can do for our lives (He already has done it). It's not even really about us... It's about Him and what He did for us. Grace. Mercy. Substitutionary Atonement. We are not deserving of this amazing grace nor is there any amount of good works that will save us.
We are called to proclaim the good news... The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message we are to share with the world. All of the acts of charity, compassion and "being the hands & feet of Jesus" mean absolutely nothing if we are not sharing the Gospel. Jesus didn't suffer and die on the Cross in order that we may have a better life... He did so in order that we may HAVE life in Him. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was to save us not from our sins but from the just wrath of God.
Listen to John MacArthur explain this simple yet powerful truth of the Gospel.
This is what it's all about!
How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?
6 hours ago
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